Still don't work. Does anyone else have this problem? It has been a constant since Kano "updated" the feed so that when you post a link it's in hypertext. Well, on my inbox, when people send me links (on MySpace we don't have the option to ask squad to punch people) they are half broken. Now, I'm sure someone from Kano will read this and say they are working on it, as I've emailed them about this like 3-4 times already over the last month or so..... I was just wondering if this is something that's only on my account or not. Kind of like Kano accidentally banning me from the World Chat....stop smokin pot at work! lol
We have received all of your messages and we are working on it Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
If I didn't like you my reply would be so much different lol....but I like you so I can't be mean to you lol Yes, I know YOU got my messages cause I talked to you But whether or not anyone is working on it, I really don't know what to it's been going on for over a month. I just asked my buddy Tenafly if links work on her inbox when I send them to her for a punch kill.....she said "no." So apparently, I'm just the only person that got annoyed enough to say something to you usual....lucky for you, you get to deal with me again! LOL
I feel privileged - thank you! Be nice cause Santa is watching! Honestly, it is in the dev todo list and will get looked at in the New Year.
Yeah I don't believe in that stuff. I just celebrate the solstice. And hell, I said something 1-2 months ago about it not working....You guys implemented those fight win achievements really quick after I sent in that long suggestion list.........slackers! Just kidding By the way, if some fat old guy comes into my house on December 25th, he's going to regret breaking in! LOL Oh, and I only harass people I that's why I harass you. And I'm glad you can dish it out too cause it's funny as hell.