Hiya, You have added a Deal of the Day icon under the main menu. No matter how many times I click on it.. for install and earn, earn for opinion, watch and earn, Pepsi sign up, it always says: You just missed this limited time offer. Come back often to find new deals. Every... single.. time.... If it was just me, I would play with some browser settings. But it happens in Chrome and Firefox on both mine (Windows 7) and my husband's (Window's 8) computers.
That's unfortunate that you're having trouble with Trial Pay! You'll need to go through their Customer Support to get this resolved. If you click on Earn Favor Points on the bottom of the screen, it will open a new window. Click on Help, and then Check My Order Status. That will bring you to Trial Pay's support with all your Facebook information. I've made the developers here aware of this issue as well. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!