Changing the expiration of Elite Mobsters

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by StrictlyBusiness, Mar 12, 2010.

  1. Since facebook has done something with the filter it is some what a pain to find your elite mobsters because you have to hope other people are paying attention in game..(umm yeah right) or that they are not playing to many other games that are now caught up in the filter as well..My fiters worked this morning when I first sought my eltie mobsters but was not working later on when I tried to get them for MW1 and I tried LCN to see if there was a problem with it.Later on as I was reading the DB I realized others had this same problem.. Is there a fix on the way for this?
  2. The Ice Queen

    The Ice Queen Member

    100% in agreement.

    Is there something else you can do.. maybe an ingame message line the "XXX has joined your mob"
    If not, can you make the Mob Feed longer as I have been using this to find elites.
    I have a full mob and at times it only goes back 20 minutes.
  3. veebeebelly

    veebeebelly New Member

    can u give me more money for no other reason than to keel more people.;)
  4. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    Lol good reason!
  5. Meet Da Bull

    Meet Da Bull New Member

    Agreed - you have a link within the app to this shortcut that no longer works - what has FB done to change this and can it be corrected ?
  6. The Ice Queen

    The Ice Queen Member

    I wonder... can you create a "Mobs need help" tab that just has the jobs, punches, attacks and Elites on it for your mob?
  7. Is that why you don't list me anymore? Poor Vee, LOL
  8. Still waiting for that listing! :p;)

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    What would be really nice is if the person you helped with an elite gave you some reward for doing it - like being an elite for the Bruiser gave you .1% bonus to your attack up to 10 Bruisers. And if you were the Heavy, it was .1% added to your defense. And maybe if you were the collector you got an addition 1% of your bank deposit fee reduced, again up to a max of 10. And more cash if you were the pickpockter and used less energy if you were the mastermind. Make it matter if you are helping people out as their elite. I bet then it would not be so difficult to fill those positions even when we had only a few online at the time. It would also be a bigger incentive to be mobbed LOL

    What I really wish was possible but I can see it too much programming is if you were the HEAVY you got a % added to your overall defense strength based on the player's overall defense strength that you were the HEAVY for... and maybe you could only be the Heavy for up to like 5 people. The same would be true for the BRUISER. And then if you were the pickpocket, you saw maybe an increase in the Familia earnings from those players you were the pickpocket for. maybe make that unlimited since you would have to have them in Familia as well as be the pickpocket. As far as Collector, the original idea is the only one I see working here unless as their Collector you got the 50% that they saved as well. LOL Example, if Player A saved 13 billion dollars on his deposit fees because you were the Collector, you were warded 13 billion as well when they made a deposit. And lastly, Mastermind. Maybe you got 5% more energy when you did your energy boost for every person you were the Mastermind for up to 10.

    These are just quick ideas that I have not really tried to fine tune or given hours and hours of thought to as I know Kano never listens to much of what we suggest anyways.... I was just throwing out the ideas as I have often wondered why being an elite didn't benefit the person who was the elite and not just the person who got the elite.

    Collector Saves you 50% on Bank deposit fees.
    Pickpocketer Gives you 5% more cash in jobs.
    Mastermind Jobs require 5% less energy.
    Heavy Increases your defensive power in PvP fights by 5%.
    Bruiser Increases your attack power in PvP fights by 5%.
  10. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Well as long as elites are filled no one loses out.
  11. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    i actually like the idea of the benefits being reciprocal, i'm surprised this hasn't been brought up before.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    I think it would make being an elite worth something to the person who joins and would change how players filled their elites as well. I know quite a few people who always seem to go down the list of players who posted help for elites and find the best result is in the 2 day old requests. Sometimes it is hard to find players you are mobbed with online and available to fill those slots. Especially when you are in the middle of something and are hoping to fill it immediately - like your energy is full and you have an energy boost to collect and you are missing the Mastermind.

    KING WEND New Member

    nah man don't make elite mobsters complicated please. i already hate that on zombie slayers where i dont even understand how elites work exactly.

    in goold ol mob wars u have those easy elite mobs that i can understand and it shouldnt be changed

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    Filling them would be exactly the same - just both the player who is the elite and the player who got the elite get something out of the deal was the suggestion. Nothing would have to change about how you posted or asked for elites unless you wanted to be more selective on who joined and you sent the link out privately rather than posting in syndicate or kong chat.
  15. Gogolak

    Gogolak Active Member

    i like having both players benefit as well. i would imagine there would be decent community support for this. but i'm sure there will be some vague explanation as to why it can't/shouldn't/won't happen, so i won't lose sleep over it.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    I doubt they will make any changes to elites as well but it is nice to think about and at least put the ideas out there.
  17. foxysiren

    foxysiren Well-Known Member

    Once upon a time in the game we never even had elites...You do get a reward if you join elites in a manner of speaking it can count towards your dailies.
  18. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I can always find an elite to fill or get mine filled, so whatever floats your boat,seems fine to me the way it is,but ....
  19. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    yes, but you can get dailies without any elites at all. it would be nice for the player helping to get something as well as the player being helped. don't you think?
    GOING TO CATCH DAVID likes this.
  20. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    if I have my elites filled, I am benefited and if I am an elite, they are benefited , seems fair to me, it benefits should I want to bank ,money, or do adventures or in a fight.

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