Best character build - revised

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by wtf a talking towel, Apr 22, 2011.


What is the best character build in your opinion?

  1. The Turtle

    0 vote(s)
  2. The Tank

  3. The Towel

  4. The Tyndall

  5. The Parasite

  6. The Punching Bag

  7. Balanced and Even

  1. Screwed up the poll options on the first attempt, here it goes again.

    What are everyone's opinions about what type of character build works best for this game?

    Since the poll only allows for short words or phrases as options allow me to summarize what I would classify the general types of player builds I've seen in the game.

    Turtle - high defense, moderate to high stamina, moderate to high health, minimal attack

    Towel - low defense, high stamina, high attack, moderate to high health

    Tank - high attack, high defense, moderate to high health, low stamina (The "true leaders" and some of the old school battle players)

    Tyndall - high defense, high stamina, very low health, average attack (This is possibly the most annoying player type in the game)

    Parasite - low defense, high stamina, very low health, average attack (basically a tyndall without the defense)

    Punching Bag - moderate defense, low to moderate attack, low to moderate stamina, very high health

    Balanced - no outstanding strengths or weaknesses

    I think I listed the most useful player builds there, something idiotic like all energy needn't be discussed. If you think something else is the best go ahead and explain.

    and duh I'm going to vote for myself
  2. Red

    Red Member


    Well i always played the balanced ones, but parasites really annoy with the hit´n´hide so they´re functional i guess
  3. well it depends...

    turtle:has great defense and is a big advantage since not to many will want to attack but this type also needs to find someone with a low defense to attack.also a turtle most likely will not fare to good against bosses.

    tank is great for a bit but with low stam will find it hard to level once exp needed increases

    towel is ideal for speed leveling and is very effective.most actually might not attack you unless given no other choice since defense is next to none and exp is terrible off them.

    tyndall and PARAsite are great if you can find healed players since these types will fare possibly just as bad if not worse than the turtle against bosses

    punching bag the name says it all

    balanced now this is the ideal way to build.however it will take time and you cant expect to level fast if you plan on building like just wont happen.if you have no intention of fast leveling then this is what you want.the ultimate warrior

    i vote for the towel
  4. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Aww, my rationale (since it was on the OTHER thread) got deleted. :(

    Eh, I vote for Tank, followed by Balanced.

    Turtle is great for passive-agressive types.
  5. geff gur

    geff gur Member

    i'm a turtle, myself... it's very effective on myspace/pirate clan.. with just over 20,000 health, i am still doing over 100K on a full power attack on most bosses. levelling is fairly slow, but i can console myself with the fact that i do get alot of very good equipment (and my extraordinarily high energy helps with mission drops, too)

    i've been attacked by the tyndall type, before; very frustrating, to be sure.
  6. im a turtle on viking(myspace) but id say my health is actually closer to low than moderate
  7. Didn't want to have 2 threads confusing ppl and since I'm sure the tank type would be one of the more popular options I had to scrap the old thread
  8. i vote the punching bag lol :D
  9. actually im more of a tyndall.
  10. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Well, DUH!

    Punching bags are the best to FIND, but not BE.
  11. Ace

    Ace Member

    It's like Rock-Papers-Scissors, some builds beat anothers. A turtle will be a pain in the ass for a towel, a Tyndall will be a pain for a Tank, but the Tank may beat most of them.

    I'm amazed there isn't a high health, high attack, average stamina build, can't think of anything better than that to get many fight/hitlist kills, though the leveling's slower.
  12. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    Kano Apps Support has voted for Balanced and Even. I agree.
  13. yes eddie you voted for balanced and even so your agreeing with yourself :D

    if i could vote more than 1 id vote towel and tyndall
  14. high health high attack and average would kinda equal a tank crossed with a towel
  15. turtle: will most likely win against the towel,the parasite and possibly the punching bag.will struggle against all other types.
    tank: will win against the towel,parasite and punching bag with ease.might struggle against all other types.
    towel: will win against the punching bag,parasite and other towels with ease.might struggle against all other types.
    tyndall: will win against the punching bag,towel and parasite with ease.will struggle against all other types.
    parasite: will beat other parasites,towels and punching bag with ease.will struggle against all other types.
    punching bag: will win against towels,parasites maybe other punching bags.will struggle against all other types.
    balanced and even: will beat the towel,punching bag and parasite with ease.could end up struggling against other types.
  16. Ace

    Ace Member

    Yup, but it's neither, so I voted for Balanced, since it's sort of a balance between the options lol

    Still, I use the Tank build on ZS and works real good.
  17. Well of course you will agree with yourself Eddie/Kano.

    The downside to being perfectly balanced out is that you have to be a considerably higher level to beat and/or defend against turtles, tanks and towels. For you and your leveling bot army that is no issue however :p
  18. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Well, the best build in my eyes is the Tank with Nitro.

    Higher Def than Att, high to very high stam, moderate to high health. It's great to find people to level off/with, exploits that most people build attack-heavy and generally is great for crushing bosses and getting boss drops.

    And if your defense is high enough you get xp when getting attacked. As it's not a turtle, your defense isn't so heavy that no one wants to fight you or your attack suffered because of your defense.

    Maybe I should call the build Rolling Fortress.

    For speedleveling there is only the Mod-Towel. High Attack, High Stamina, Low to Moderate Health; Defense & Energy whatever you feel like having, but generally not much of either. That build is unstoppable. Flamethrower Tank or Glass Cannon, great for offense, but seriously lacking defense.
  19. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    There are many good builds listed but I think it would be near impossible to say that any one is the best. It depends greatly on a players style/strategy of play, their goals and the amount of time they dedicate to the game.

    I personally think that they're certain character attributes that r widely overlooked or neglected by the majority of players out there simply because they want instant satisfaction/results.

    I personally like a character build that allows for flexibility as my goals change ....whether due to my position in the game or Kano upgrades. Some of the builds listed are just way to committed to one particular aspect of the game not allowing for any flexibility. One way around this is to not spend all your skill points as soon as u get them, Ive often hoarded them by the thousands and use them to tweak my account as needed. The game is constantly evolving and I want to be able to change with it. Be patient and always look for whats gonna help the most down the road....not whats gonna help u right now and cripple u later.

    So Im choosing not to vote on this what I think is the best for me right now...may very well not be what i think in a
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2011
  20. we all know what character you are right now but also know that it can quickly change to another without warning :D

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