Came 5th in the LCN BA ...
Attacks 39,381
Kills 64
Wins 41,252
Losses 9,639
Biggest Attack 1,570,875 damage
I enjoyed the Battle Arena for the most part .. lack of sleep & sore finger not included. Doubt I'll do it again though unless changes are made first.
A few bits I'd tweak ...
1. Poachers ... were annoying as hell .. if ur strategy is to sit back and steal others hard/expensive work then u shouldnt earn all the kill bonus .. give them half or less
2. Fightlist ... I was seeing the same faces every refresh, then once down to 100 a pile of new folk appeared that had never attacked or defended ... 2 actually made it into the top 12.
3. Drop's ... well they were just lame, bordering on being insulting!! Reward us with limited items .. even if we receive them less, at least they would be worth having.
4. Stam refill confirm Button ... I lost 5 kills due to having to confirm I wanted to refill .. of course I wanted to refill I wouldn't have clicked it in the first place otherwise .. DOH!! Yes I could refill earlier but if ur busy u dont always time it right
5. Def Mode .. I only clicked mine twice, once when I needed sleep the first night, Second under heavy attack from Nino ... both times they failed initially ... green light came on but I was taking full hits & able to attack ... took a complete F5 refresh to rectify it ... not sure if that's a lappy or game glitch though.
6. Staggered Start time .... starting at 10pm was a killer, with the fightlist only containing a very small proportion of entrants it shouldn't have much effect on the final out come
7. Prizes ... Again there a joke .... at least have them reflect the amount of stam need to Win or be placed in top 10 .... I used nigh on 40,000 stam .. and was rewarded with a refill lmao.
8. Using Nicknames was just daft .. just saying lol
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